
I am  proud to announce the awarding of the coveted international Red Dot Design Award: Product Design 2023 to ‚Giulietta‘, for the design of the iconic electric kettle from my pencil for Casabugatti.

The personal and magnetic design of Giulietta won the positive opinion of an international jury of 43 design professionals.

The Red Dot Award is one of the most appreciated and prestigious international awards: its format, conceived by Peter Zec, boasts decades of history, and its awarding is a source of pride for all brands that have the honor of receiving it.

The valuable legacy of Red Dot Award analysis and voting has embraced the Giulietta, which with its spherical, soft and welcoming design manages to provide a user experience in which aesthetic quality and functionality are sublimated. The 2023 edition of the Red Dot Award received more than 20,000 nominations from no less than 60 countries: the best of design came before the eyes of the jurors, who decreed the winners in 51 different categories. Thanks to this award, the Giulietta will be published in the Red Dot Design Yearbook and presented in the ‚Winners‘ section on the official Red Dot website, as well as in related exhibitions. The Giulietta design award will also be announced on 19th June 2023 in Essen, Germany, the city where the award was established. The Giulietta’s winning design is signed by Andreas Seegatz, a professional who has worked with Bugatti for several years. It is an achievement that underlines the worthiness of this synergy.

‚Unexpected Everyday‘ is the motto of Casa Bugatti: It embodies the constant desire to amaze through extraordinary objects, which are able to illuminate everyday life. These can touch and bring about authentic, unique and absolutely surprising experiences, every day. At the same time, the Red Dot Award for the design of Giulietta was a surprise that was as welcome as unexpected. ‚Winning is the beginning‘, on the other hand, is the slogan of the Red Dot Award: with a path behind It that in 2023 will become a century old, for Casa Bugatti It represents the impetus towards ever more ambitious goals. In this regard, in the coming months Casa Bugatti will present a reference that will create a perfect conceptual match with Giulietta: this will be ‚Romeo‘. Further details will be unveiled shortly, but the name aims to celebrate the Italian style that not only wins the hearts of design critics today, but also inspired the greatest storytellers of all time in the past.

I am  proud to announce the awarding of the coveted international Red Dot Design Award: Product Design 2023 to ‚Giulietta‘, for the design of the iconic electric kettle from my pencil for Casabugatti.

The personal and magnetic design of Giulietta won the positive opinion of an international jury of 43 design professionals.

The Red Dot Award is one of the most appreciated and prestigious international awards: its format, conceived by Peter Zec, boasts decades of history, and its awarding is a source of pride for all brands that have the honor of receiving it.

The valuable legacy of Red Dot Award analysis and voting has embraced the Giulietta, which with its spherical, soft and welcoming design manages to provide a user experience in which aesthetic quality and functionality are sublimated. The 2023 edition of the Red Dot Award received more than 20,000 nominations from no less than 60 countries: the best of design came before the eyes of the jurors, who decreed the winners in 51 different categories. Thanks to this award, the Giulietta will be published in the Red Dot Design Yearbook and presented in the ‚Winners‘ section on the official Red Dot website, as well as in related exhibitions. The Giulietta design award will also be announced on 19th June 2023 in Essen, Germany, the city where the award was established. The Giulietta’s winning design is signed by Andreas Seegatz, a professional who has worked with Bugatti for several years. It is an achievement that underlines the worthiness of this synergy.

‚Unexpected Everyday‘ is the motto of Casa Bugatti: It embodies the constant desire to amaze through extraordinary objects, which are able to illuminate everyday life. These can touch and bring about authentic, unique and absolutely surprising experiences, every day. At the same time, the Red Dot Award for the design of Giulietta was a surprise that was as welcome as unexpected. ‚Winning is the beginning‘, on the other hand, is the slogan of the Red Dot Award: with a path behind It that in 2023 will become a century old, for Casa Bugatti It represents the impetus towards ever more ambitious goals. In this regard, in the coming months Casa Bugatti will present a reference that will create a perfect conceptual match with Giulietta: this will be ‚Romeo‘. Further details will be unveiled shortly, but the name aims to celebrate the Italian style that not only wins the hearts of design critics today, but also inspired the greatest storytellers of all time in the past.

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